March 26, 2025

Depressive Disorders On Rise In Children

Depression is hard enough for adults to deal with but it’s becoming more common in children these days.   In fact, depression in children is growing at an alarming rate.  It’s important that adults around kids, particularly parents and teachers, realize the symptoms so that they can intervene early to help ease the effects on the children before the depression grows worse.

Medical Experts have said that mental diseases among children are on the rise, which sometimes even force them to commit suicides. Teachers and parents must give proper attention to children and listen to their problems to save them from frustration and desperation.

Pediatric Neurologist and Psychiatric at National Institute of Child Health (NICH) Dr Atif Saeed Anjum, while talking to PPI, said that during the last 10 years mental diseases among children are on rising trend because of poverty, hunger and other factors. He said NICH is biggest hospital for children in Sindh province, adding more than 30 child patients suffering from mental disorders report at its Out Patients Department (OPD) daily.

He said lack of awareness about mental diseases results in delay in treatment of the affected children, further complicating their disease. Parents must give time to their children every day and should know about the routine life and activities of their kids. He said exact causes of many mental disorders are not known, but research suggests that a combination of factors, including heredity, growth pattern, psychological trauma and environmental stress might be involved in many complications.

Senior psychiatrist and Medical Superintendent of Sindh Government Hospital New Karachi Dr Hasan Alam said mental diseases and depression cases in children are on a constant due to improper attention to children by their parents….More at Depression among children on rise

Through constant monitoring of a child’s activities in school and at home, depression among kids can be spotted early.  Luckily more is being done these days than in the past with many organizations are helping to provide greater awareness about the condition, its symptoms and causes.

People at all ages experience mental illness and dysfunctions.  Depression is treatable in all but the most extreme cases but it’s important to get help as early as possible to prevent the condition from growing worse.


Depression more likely in physically abused children.

— centerforcoping (Center for Coping) (@centerforcoping) Fri Jul 6 2012