March 13, 2025

Can ADD Cause Depression?

Studies have been completed that show an underlying link between ADD and depression.  Statistical research shows that a child who has Attention Deficit Disorder is three times more likely to develop depression than another child.  Depressive symptoms in children are generally the same as an adult would face.  Since children are more likely to be diagnosed with ADD, this article will generally address ADD and depression in children.

Misdiagnosis is Common

Depression is a collection of symptoms.  Most people who have depression will have a difficulty concentrating, general feelings of sadness, fatigue and agitation.  Since ADD is defined by an inability to concentrate and fidgeting, the two disorders are often misdiagnosed.  A child who has depression may be diagnosed with ADD by a doctor who sees the problems with concentration and agitation.  In reality, the patient may actually be dealing with depression.  If they are misdiagnosed, it will inhibit them from being successfully treated for their depression.

Can ADD Cause Depression?

Studies show that children with ADD are more likely to have depression.  Although ADD does not directly cause depression, it may create circumstances where depression is more likely to develop.  Children and adults who have ADD may face a host of daily struggles that other people never have to deal with.  The stress and anxiety caused by their disorder may lead them to develop depression.

Scientists have also found that anyone who is experiencing problems in their interpersonal relationships is more likely to have depression.  Children who have ADD may find it difficult to get along with their peers and interact normally.  As a result, they may become disillusioned and demoralized by their social relationships.

The key to dealing with ADD and depression is to seek treatment as soon as possible.  Depression is completely curable provided the patient gets help from a qualified medical practitioner.  ADD will generally require ongoing treatment.  As the child ages, medication may no longer be needed for the disorder.

Some patients have also found behavior therapy useful for dealing with the symptoms of ADD.  Since the two disorders overlap a great deal, parents and loved ones should be very attentive to any signs or symptoms the patient is experiencing.

When in doubt, the patient should always consult with a qualified medical practitioner to get help.  Bring a list of symptoms the patient is experiencing and also a list of questions about the diagnosis and treatment.  By asking questions, the patient and their family can become informed about both disorders and receive the proper treatment options.


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