February 14, 2025

How Long Does Postpartum Depression Last ?

Postpartum depression is something that typically affects women, although men have been diagnosed with the disease.  It doesn’t matter the race is, social or marital status, postpartum depression does not discriminate.  Postpartum depression, also known as postnatal depression, is a type of clinical depression that is triggered by childbirth.

More than the baby blues

The symptoms of the baby blues is much different than what would be seen with actual depression.  The symptoms of the baby blues are not as severe and usually last for a much shorter period of time.

Sadness – Many women report feeling sad; the woman’s new role as mother may feel overwhelming; she might find herself on the verge of tears for no logical reason due to this.

Problems sleeping – Difficulty in getting to and staying asleep is another common symptom reported by new mothers with the baby blues; this is pretty normal since the newborns rarely sleep through the night.

Mood swings – After having a baby, it is natural that a woman’s hormones may be a bit out of balance initially; this problem should not last with the baby blues.

Symptoms of postpartum depression

Unlike the baby blues, postpartum depression is a much more serious diagnosis because of the potential dangers associated with it.  Below is a list of the symptoms associated with postpartum depression.

Appetite loss
No interest in sex
No interest in activities once enjoyed
Extreme fatigue
Difficulty bonding with the child
Withdrawing from friends and family
Feeling of shame or guilt
Thoughts of harming yourself or the child

Keep in mind that these symptoms often do not show up immediately after the mother gives birth; it can often take several months for postpartum depression to show up.

How long does postpartum depression last?

The big question those affected by postpartum depression want answered is “How long does postpartum depression last?” The length of time the postpartum depression lasts is correlated to how mild or severe the person’s postpartum depression is.  Severe cases of postpartum depression can last anywhere from one to two years.  Unfortunately, this is only an estimate since each person affected by postpartum depression is different.

As soon as a person is able to recognize the symptoms of postpartum in themselves or in a loved one, a physician should be consulted to confirm the diagnosis.  The earlier postpartum depression is diagnosed, the earlier it can be treated and the better for both mother and baby.


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